Factor Language Blog

Quotations now a first-class type; conses removed

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I finished pushing a large set of patches to the main repository which implement the changeover I’ve been talking about for a while now.

What follows is a rundown of what has changed.

First of all, literals like [ 1 2 3 ] are now instances of a quotation type. They implement the sequence protocol and behave much like arrays. Any sequence can be converted to a quotation via >quotation. The difference between a quotation and an array is that like the list-based “quotations” of old, these objects can be passed to the call and if primitives which are the basic building blocks of all higher order functions in Factor.

It used to be that f and [ ] both parsed to the same object; this is now no longer the case. The object [ ] is a length-zero quotation.

Parsing words will need to be changed. To begin a new nested parse level, push f not [ ]. To add to the parse tree, use parsed instead of swons. The end result is a vector, not a list in reverse order. Replace reverse calls with >quotation or similar. If this terse description made no sense, it will be more detailed in the documentation.

A lot of code did not use the list-specific words, but it used list literals to hold data. Using [ ] literals for non-code data is still okay. I’d prefer if people used arrays { } for that purpose, it just makes the code a tiny bit more clear.