Factor Language Blog

Shortest path between two words and other goodness

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I got frustrated with an obscure stack effect inference bug today, so I decided to work on something completely different, the beginnings of a system like InterLisp’s MasterScope. In MasterScope, you can perform queries like the following:

  • Which functions call my function?
  • Which functions does my function call?
  • What’s the shortest call path between two functions?
  • What dynamic variables does my function read or write?

Factor can already tell you the first two, and has been able to for quite some time. Now I implemented a program that computes the shortest path between two words. Its a little inefficient since I’m missing a fast priority queue, and the code is a bit rough so I’m not putting it in the core yet. It will go in soon, though. Here are some examples:

  \ nth \ parse shortest-path .
{ parse parse-lines set namespace peek nth }
  \ set-nth \ each shortest-path .
{ }

In the first example a call path was found. In the second example, the set-nth word is never called by any word called from each.
I also implemented uses/usages at the vocab level. You can ask what vocabularies does a given vocabulary depend on (when one considers the totality of words defined therein):

  "opengl" vocab-uses .
    "sequences" "kernel-internals" "generic" "alien" "math" 
    "io" "kernel" "opengl"

Also, you can ask what vocabularies call words from this one:

  "gadgets-text" vocab-usage .
    "gadgets" "gadgets-listener" "gadgets-search" 
    "gadgets-text" "gadgets-theme" "io" "models"

Right now there is a lot of circular dependency between vocabularies, but over time I hope to reduce this and tools such as the above will help.
What will be really neat is wrapping these cross-referencing tools in an UI frontend.