Factor Language Blog

Like watching a puss-filled boil explode in slow motion

Monday, October 9, 2006

Reading this (which is only the latest in a long saga of closure debates on Java sites) makes me glad I don’t program in Java anymore. I personally think it is too late to add closures to Java, simply because the existing libraries are not designed for it, but the responses posted in discussions such as these are so comical that I want to see closures added just so that these guys get pissed off.

Come on now enterprise monkeys, make up your mind: are closures simply for newbie “script kiddies” who are not man enough to use a 400$ keyboard macro IDE? Or are they so complex that newbies cannot learn them (nevermind the extremely convoluted anon inner class syntax). Or are they easy to learn but simply unsuitable for serious Enterprise(tm) team development?

This is sort of like watching assembly freaks debate if parameters should be passed in registers or on the stack… or if subroutine calls are any good at all. Those of us in the know have moved on long ago.