Factor Language Blog

Sudoku solver in Factor

Monday, February 26, 2007

I ported this Ocaml Sudoku solver to Factor.

The author boasts his is a “19-line (769-byte) OCaml program”; however it is actually 918 bytes. Perhaps he did not count whitespace. The Factor version is 55 lines (if one doesn’t count the example at the end) and 1315 bytes. The line counts cannot be compared because I like having lots of blank lines, and short lines; but the larger byte count is a result of Factor being a bit more verbose than Ocaml for this type of stuff, and the fact that I use longer names (‘board’ -vs- ’m’ for example) and tend to name factors instead of having long definitions.

Also I’ve noticed there are a few generally reusable words showing up when I write code that works on 2D arrays, like in this sudoko solver, libs/matrices/, and libs/levenshtein/. I think at some point I will take all the common code and try to come up with a library for 2-dimensional or multi-dimensional arrays.

Here is the code; its in demos/sudoku now:

! Based on http://www.ffconsultancy.com/ocaml/sudoku/index.html
USING: sequences namespaces kernel math io prettyprint ;
IN: sudoku

SYMBOL: solutions
SYMBOL: board

: pair+ swapd + >r + r> ;

: row board get nth ;
: board> row nth ;
: >board row set-nth ;
: f>board f -rot >board ;

: row-contains? ( n y -- ? ) row member? ;
: col-contains? ( n x -- ? ) board get swap <column> member? ;
: cell-contains? ( n x y i -- ? ) 3 /mod pair+ board> = ;

: box-contains? ( n x y -- ? )
    [ 3 /i 3 * ] 2apply
    9 [ >r 3dup r> cell-contains? ] contains?
    >r 3drop r> ;

DEFER: search

: assume ( n x y -- )
    [ >board ] 2keep [ >r 1+ r> search ] 2keep f>board ;

: attempt ( n x y -- )
        { [ 3dup nip row-contains? ] [ 3drop ] }
        { [ 3dup drop col-contains? ] [ 3drop ] }
        { [ 3dup box-contains? ] [ 3drop ] }
        { [ t ] [ assume ] }
    } cond ;

: solve ( x y -- ) 9 [ 1+ pick pick attempt ] each 2drop ;

: solution. ( -- ) solutions inc "Solution:" print board get . ;

: search ( x y -- )
        { [ over 9 = ] [ >r drop 0 r> 1+ search ] }
        { [ over 0 = over 9 = and ] [ 2drop solution. ] }
        { [ 2dup board> ] [ >r 1+ r> search ] }
        { [ t ] [ solve ] }
    } cond ;

: sudoku ( board -- )
        "Puzzle:" print dup .

        0 solutions set
        [ clone ] map board set

        0 0 search

        solutions get number>string write " solutions." print
    ] with-scope ;

PROVIDE: demos/sudoku ;

MAIN: demos/sudoku
        { f f 1 f f 5 3 f f }
        { f 5 f 4 9 f f f f }
        { f f f 1 f 2 f 6 4 }
        { f f f f f f 7 5 f }
        { 6 f f f f f f f 1 }
        { f 3 5 f f f f f f }
        { 4 6 f 9 f 3 f f f }
        { f f f f 2 4 f 9 f }
        { f f 3 6 f f 1 f f }
    } sudoku ;