Factor Language Blog

Smoother stand-alone app deployment

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I polished the deployment tool a bit. Now all it takes is a vocab name:

USE: deploy.app
"lsys.ui" deploy.app

Each vocabulary has a deployment configuration. The configuration can be inspected and set with deploy-config and set-deploy-config:

( scratchpad ) "lsys.ui" deploy-config .
    { strip-word-props? t }
    { strip-word-names? t }
    { strip-dictionary? t }
    { strip-debugger? t }
    { strip-c-types? t }
    { deploy-math? t }
    { deploy-compiled? t }
    { deploy-io? f }
    { deploy-ui? t }
    { "bundle-name" "Lindenmayer Systems.app" }

You can also change the configuration:

f strip-word-names? "lsys.ui" set-deploy-flag

The configuration is stored in a deploy.factor file of the vocabulary directory.

Deployment has been tested to work with the following vocabs; they all include sensible deploy configs now:

  • automata.ui
  • boids.ui
  • bunny
  • color-picker
  • gesture-logger
  • golden-section
  • hello-ui
  • lsys.ui
  • maze
  • nehe
  • tetris

To deploy your own app, you should only have to set two flags:

  • deploy-ui? - set this to true if your app uses the UI
  • deploy-io? - set this to true if you want non-blocking I/O or sockets