Factor Language Blog

Factor web site redesign

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thanks to Elie Chaftari, we have a new Factor web site design. Check it out before it goes live! (Which will probably happen with the release of Factor 0.91).

The “Latest News” sidebar is just a placeholder; I will replace it with an RSS aggregator soon.

Also if you look carefully, you’ll see mention of a git repository. Yes, I’m switching to git! Today I encountered a darcs bug/flaw/limitation while merging in Eduardo’s patches (it was not Ed’s fault) and decided that this would be the very last time.

Right now the repository contains the in-progress quotation compiler/compiled continuations code, which only runs on Mac OS X/PowerPC, FreeBSD/x86 and (just barely) Mac OS X/x86. When it is more stable and supports a wider range of platforms, I will make an announcement and formally retire the darcs repository.

Contributors: please continue using darcs for the next few days, but be prepared to migrate to git Real Soon Now.