Factor Language Blog

Factor 0.91 benchmarks

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I ran the benchmark suite against Factor 0.91. Compared to last time, there are some nice improvements in bootstrap1, iteration, reverse-complement and ring. There are a few regressions too; I’ve highlighted those in red and will be investigating them.

Benchmark Run time (ms)
bootstrap1 11452
bootstrap2 575675
continuations 389
dispatch1 3660
dispatch2 4399
dispatch3 5167
dispatch4 8892
empty-loop 496
fib1 238
fib2 907
fib3 1438
fib4 4962
fib5 2015
iteration 13864
mandel 4806
nsieve 2428
nsieve-bits 69021
partial-sums 31281
raytracer 26893
recursive 45196
reverse-complement 12641
ring 8051
sort 2061
spectral-norm 35304
typecheck1 5136
typecheck2 5624
typecheck3 5632
typecheck4 4049

A year and a half ago, reverse-complement was clocking in at 170 seconds. It’s 14 times faster now!