Factor Language Blog

Factor port to Win64 in progress

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A year ago I tried to get a working gcc setup on 64-bit Windows with zero success. This time around, I had better luck; the MinGW-Win64 project has a functional gcc port out and I was able to use it to compile the Factor VM.

The main hurdle to overcome is that Win64 uses a different calling convention from Linux/x86-64 and Mac OS X/x86-64. I got the non-optimizing compiler generating valid code, and set things up so that we now have two x86.64 boot images, boot.winnt-x86.64.image and boot.unix-x86.64.image, containing different non-optimizing compiler backends (most of the backend is shared, but some parameters are configured differently). After some messing around, I got it to load various modules, including the optimizing compiler.

The main thing that tripped me up at this stage is that I did not have a working gdb, so certain problems were very hard to debug. For example, on my first reading of the Win64 calling conventions, I missed out that you must reserve 32 bytes in your stack frame for the callee to mess with, and if you put non-volatile data there, then calling any function will clobber your stack frame. This manifested in a most bizarre fashion, namely Factor would work if the VM was with -O3 and crash if compiled with -g; usually we get the opposite, when we find gcc bugs. This time it was a bug in Factor, and the reason it would only crash with optimizations disabled is that the gcc optimizer would use registers to store values, instead of scribbling over the volatile portion of the caller’s stack frame. A day of lost work later, I finally figured out the problem, and it was much smoother from thereon in.

Next, I started updating the optimizing compiler backend. Again, the bulk of the work was with figuring out the calling convention. Win64 passes and returns structures differently from the other x86.64 platforms, so I to add some OS-specific hooks to the x86.64 optimizing compiler backend too.

Overall, it seems like Microsoft’s calling convention is simpler overall than the one used by Linux and Mac OS X, especially as far as passing structures by value is concerned. Other than the initial hurdle figuring out how the reserved scratch space in stack frame works, I was able to get things working fairly quickly.

The tests all pass now, however testing some real C library bindings still reveals problems (hence the FFI tests are not exhaustive enough and need to be amended). I also need to do a lot of code cleanup before any of this is in a releasable state, so don’t get your hopes up yet – it will be a few more days before you can build Factor from git on Win64. Binary packages will follow soon after; this is mostly conditional on getting various external packages installed, such as PostgreSQL, SQLite, OpenSSL, and gdb. This is due to the fact that the build farm tests our most important C library bindings, and doesn’t release anything if the tests fail (which is quite nice; if a bug in the C library binding prevents something important like OpenSSL from working, you really don’t want users to come along and download the result).

So while I work on finishing the port in the meantime, here is a screenshot from when I got the FFI just far along enough to render, in a very broken fashion (no text!) the UI workspace and a couple of demos.

Win64 seems rather neglected by the open source community; even gcc is only available in the experimental MinGW snapshots. However I think supporting it is important; moving to x86.64 can offer a performance boost from the additional registers and RIP-relative addressing mode, and the ability to address more than 4GB of RAM is going to be more and more important too. Very soon now Factor will be one of the few (or the only?) open source, natively-compiled, dynamic languages which can run on 64-bit Windows as well as 12 other platforms. Exciting times ahead.